Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cust. Satisfaction


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is the PRIME concern or TARGET of every business and we all know that this is very essential for the survival of every business. The purpose of every business is to create and keep a customer. If a business successfully creates and keeps customers in a cost-effective way, it will make a profit easier while continuing to survive and thrive. But if in any case or any reason, a business fails to attract or sustain a sufficient number of customers, it will experience losses.

We know for a fact that if our customer wants or like the product they keep on going back to the company. It is very important to for the company to satisfy their customers in order to promote the company’s economy as well as for getting more money and for a possible promotion. In order to satisfy a customer, the organization must have: Understanding - Make sure there is a thorough understanding of what your customers really want and need. Use that information to follow up with actions and solutions. Access - People want an ease of doing business, make sure the experience is speedy, efficient, and pleasant. Respect - Customers want someone who understands and can respond to their needs. Acknowledge customers and treat them with respect to earn their trust and loyalty. Personalize - People like to feel special. Connection is very important for the customer to feel at ease. Track Information - Create a knowledge base so customers do not have to repeatedly give their contact, product, or problem details. Target - Use data to be proactive, but also use it for a targeted purpose. Do not sell the same product to your entire customer base. Approach only those customers who are most likely to be interested. Empower- offer discounts or special services to retain customers who might otherwise head to a competitor. Interpret Need - Note the difference between what customers say and do and find ways to use that information so that everyone benefits.
Customer satisfaction is one area that will either kill or excel your business. Unsatisfied customers will go out of their way to tell others why they should not use your products or services. The primary focus of every business focuses on keeping your customer’s happy and exceeding their expectations.

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